On Monday I spent a couple hours going through both of my closets. It's really funny looking at my clothes now. They are basically a mash up of two very conflicting styles that I adopted since high school. Well technically my preppy stuff is a hold over from high school but old habits die hard. Basically one half is polos and button downs, sweater vests and and sweater sweaters. The rest is all of the black band t-shirts I've collected over the years. Oh and about a million hoodies. So many hoodies I can't even tell you dear reader. Hoodies with zippers and logos and stains, hoodies that hold in my emotional pains, hoodies with holes for my thumbs, hoodies I stole off of bums in the slums, Oh there's ever so many hoodies to choose, except for the hoodies I lost while on booze!!!!(picture me swinging around a light pole in the rain as I sing this)
Well that was fun, I hope it was as good for you as it was for me. So I know there's been a lot of backlash on the internet lately about that new show Girls. Personally I don't really get the whole race argument that people have been bringing up. I understand that it doesn't show a very diverse picture of New York City but it does reflect a very specific (incredibly specific, seriously) point of view. For the record though I've watched the first two episodes and it isn't very good. Honestly, I'm not even sure who this show is supposed to relate to. Unless you're a 20-something white woman living in Brooklyn it isn't very accessible. Also the lead actress is...not what I wold call traditionally beautiful. She's not super ugly or anything but she isn't cute and she has several bad tattoos. Maybe they should just market this show to ugly, unhappy people, though if that were the case I'd probably relate to it more. Another reason to dislike it, "Of course I've seen RENT, I've seen it 12 times, it's why I moved to New York!"...I'm just going to let that sink in for a little bit. I've never made my disdain for RENT a secret. I've seen the movie before and I was dragged to two productions of it last year. I don't think it's good and I don't understand why so many people relate to it. It's like every theatre kid I've ever met is obsessed with it. The whole thing is about junkies and shitty artists getting AIDS and living in squalor. Why don't they just go to college and get real jobs and move to the suburbs? It totally boggles my mind that so many young kids think that the lifestyle perpetuated by RENT is something to aspire to. Not to be a traitor to my generation or anything but kids are fucking stupid.
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